March 23, 2011

Introductory Post

I knew I wanted to write a blog. 

I have an impulsive desire to share my thoughts. I tried looking for journal articles that explained the psycho-sociological or evolutionary reasons for which humans feel an impulse to share ideas, but my Google search quickly lead me to other unrelated articles, and I became distracted. 

Story of my life. 

So I finally buckled down and I am committed to this new blog of mine. This is an opportune time, since I'm at a life crossroads, and I have no clue where this thing is taking me. 

When it came to writing this blog, I asked myself , Who am I? What is my primary role in this world? 

I quickly realized that I was a girl of many passions; sociology, health, vegan food, fashion, music, ecology, love, photography. I can honestly say i'm invested in all of these, but one alone does not define me. As a California Bay Area resident (Silicon Valley, top universities, hippie-eco-friendly, tolerant, culturally diverse Mecca of the Universe), I'm spread thin. But I have to say this is indicative of those twenty somethings here in the Bay Area. World issues are our issues- we all give a damn and we will not go down with this ship!! *cue Dido song*

We tread this world with great aspirations of fixing it all, but we also are cautious not to make matters worse with our personal decisions.
Cautious about our food choices
Cautious about our ecological choices
Cautious about our love lives
Cautious about our life choices
Cautious about our political views
All because we want to make the world a better place.

Cautious Generation Next (CG-Next) is a blog about all of the things that concern us as evolving and mindful people. 

So let's take a breather from all your Do Goodin' and... Enjoy!

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